-Prozesse, QA, Peer-Reviews, Design-Prozesse Mit modernen Frameworks und Tools wie: .net Core, Kafka, Angular, Docker, etc. Mit unterstützenden Rollen wie Product-Ownern, Applikation-Managern, Scrum-Master
-Prozesse, QA, Peer-Reviews, Design-ProzesseMit modernen Frameworks und Tools wie: .net Core, Kafka, Angular, Docker, etc.Mit unterstützenden Rollen wie Product-Ownern, Applikation-Managern, Scrum-Master
to project manager (and frequently internal customers)to ensure successful recharging of project workProvide technical and/or process expertise and input to design, planning, and issue managementEnsure
systematic approach. You will also define architecture requirements and create viable specifications of the processes and systems. You are required to manage architecture-related communication inside IT